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Add/Drop Form 24-25

indicates a required answer

CHEAR ADD/DROP Form 2024-2025

Each Class Add Only $10 (From Off Campus or With Parent)

Each Class Drop and Add $25 

1. *

Today's Date 

2. *

Parent First and Last Name 

3. *

Student First and Last Name 

4. *

Student Grade Level

Here is the schedule so you can make sure you have the correct Period and Class Name. 

Scroll down to type in your changes. 

1st Period 


2nd Period 

3rd Period 

4th Period 


5th Period 



6th Period 


7th Period 



8th Period 



5. *

I have spoken to each tutor involved in my add/drop submission. 

Yes, I have contacted each tutor. No, but I will be contacting them today.


Please list the name of the class you would like to Drop and Add. 

Each change must have TWO answers! 

For each drop please list an add! Even when adding "With Parent" or "Off Campus."


1st Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


1st Period Name of Class- DROP


1st Period Name of Class-ADD


2nd Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


2nd Period Name of Class-DROP


2nd Period Name of Class-ADD


3rd Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


3rd Period Name of Class-DROP


3rd Period Name of Class-ADD


4th Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


4th Period Name of Class DROP


4th Period Name of Class-ADD


5th Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


5th Period Name of Class-DROP


5th Period Name of Class-ADD


6th Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


6th Period Name of Class-DROP


6th Period Name of Class-ADD


7th Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


7th Period Name of Class-DROP


7th Period Name of Class-ADD


8th Period Add/Drop 

Please fill out both answers. 


8th Period Name of Class-DROP


8th Period Name of Class-ADD

22. *


How many ADDs do you have? (Adds only are from With Parent and Off Campus)


23. *

Drop and Add

Each drop of a class (does not include off campus or with parent) and add of another class is $25. 

24. *

Please list your total amount owed for this Add/Drop Form. 

25. *

How would you like to pay?

Have Dawn charge the card I have on file. Pay on Next Page with Card



What happens after my Add/Drop form is submitted, and I have paid?

  1. You will get the approval of any tutor that is involved with the schedule change. Dawn will contact the tutor(s).  (All tuition must be caught up for approval of a change)
  2. You will receive a welcome letter from your new tutor. 
  3. You will receive a new badge the first Wednesday of the month. Please pick this up at the badge table

Thank you, 

CHEAR Admin Team 

Have questions? Email Dawn [email protected]